Articles & Podcast Episodes

The Global Risks Report 2024

In this episode of Business Diplomacy Today, guest Martin Drux from Marsh McLennan delves into lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and the importance of businesses preparing for future events like the permafrost virus. Host Matthias Catón discusses technology’s role in risk assessment, citing Google’s use of search data to track flu outbreaks. Drux highlights how AI and technology can enhance risk prediction and data quality, especially in the insurance sector.

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Asia After Europe

In Episode 29 Matthias Catón is joined by Sugata Bose, Gardiner Professor of Oceanic History and Affairs at Harvard University. Following Sugata’s recent publication “Asia After Europe: Imagining a Continent in the Long Twentieth Century”, Matthias and him discuss the how Asia’s history has been defined by Europe and what the current century brings.

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Achieving Financial Equality

In Episode 28 of Business Diplomacy Today, host Matthias Catón is joined by Mary Ellen Iskenderian, President and CEO of Women’s World Banking. Matthias and Mary Ellen examine the persistent gender gap in financial inclusion and its linkages to digital inclusion.

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The EU AI Act

In Episode 27 of Business Diplomacy Today, host Matthias Catón is joined by Till Klein, Head of Trustworthy AI at appliedAI. Matthias and Till explore the forthcoming EU AI Act, including an investigation of its core principles and implications for businesses.

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Geopolitical Intelligence and Corporate Planning

In Episode 26, host Matthias Catón is joined by Lewis Sage-Passant, Global Head of Intelligence at Novo Nordisk and founder of EncyclopediaGeopolitica. Matthias and Lewis delve into the intricacies of how multinational corporations navigate geopolitics and international relations.

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US-German Transatlantic Relations

In Episode 25 host Matthias Catón is joined by Simone Menne, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany. In their discussion, Matthias and Simone address the intricacies of transatlantic relations between the US and Germany and how this relationship is shaped by geopolitics.

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The Digital Euro

In Episode 24 of Business Diplomacy Today, host Matthias Catón is joined by Karel Lannoo, CEO of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS). In their discussion, Matthias and Karel dive into the complexities of implementing a digital currency and its impact on the financial landscape; in this episode, specifically on the case of the Eurozone and the Digital Euro.

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2024 Trends to Watch

In Episode 23 of Business Diplomacy Today, host Matthias Catón is joined by Tom Standage, Deputy Editor of The Economist and editor of its future-gazing annual, The World Ahead. Timely, with the start of the new year, Matthias and Tom delve into global trends and predictions for 2024; as well as their implications for businesses and global affairs.

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How Crises Shape Globalisation

In Episode 22 of Business Diplomacy Today, host Matthias Catón is joined by Prof. Harold James, Professor of History and International Affairs at Princeton University. Drawing inspiration from Harold’s recent publication Seven Crashes: The Economic Crises That Shaped Globalisation (2023), Matthias and Harold discuss seven major turning points in the history of globalisation.

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