Business Disruption and Change in 2024

In this episode, host Matthias Catón join Christina Rabe, the Market Unit Lead for Accenture in Austria, Switzerland, and Germany. They delve into the Pulse of Change Index developed by Accenture.

Raab discusses the interconnectedness of technology, talent shortages, and demographic shifts, emphasizing the movement of talent from countries like India and the critical role of global talent pools. The discussion explores how artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to reshape various industries, starting with banking, capital markets, insurance, and software.

Raab underscores the importance of companies being proactive rather than reactive in adapting to these changes, through investments in technology and talent. The conversation also touches on the essential human aspect, advocating for diversity and maintaining human values at the core of future technological transformations.

About the guest

Christina Raab

Christina Raab is the Market Unit Lead for Accenture in Austria, Switzerland and Germany (ASG) and part of Accenture’s Global Management Committee. In this role, Christina supports clients from various industries with complex business transformations. She has a strong focus on creating new value for businesses, employees, and customers through the combination of technology and human-led innovation.

She is Vice President of the German IT industry association Bitkom, of the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany and is a member of the Board of Trustees of Econsense, the Forum for Sustainable Development of German Business. Christina is also a member of the Senate of the German Academy of Science and Engineering acatech, as well as a Board member of Generation CEO.

Christina has a Master’s degree in Business Administration and Business Italian from the University of Passau. She is based in Munich.

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This episode is sponsored and presented by the Indo-German Centre for Business Excellence.